Race and the Oscars…It Shouldn’t Matter, But It Does

We wish it could just be about the talent and the quality of the movies.  But we agree that more voices need to be heard, more filmmaking communities should be considered, especially on the independent film front.  Movie making has changed.  It is more accessible to more people and communities. High quality films rivaling those of the Hollywood film system are getting produced by independents with more vigor and success than ever before.  Advancements in technology, and the lower costs associated with them, and the streaming of information and media via social media and other online resources are the prime reasons for such capabilities in the independent film community.

But, as with everything in a competitive sense, only the best should win.  And a large, diverse group of people from as many communities and backgrounds as possible should be given the opportunity to take part in the voting process in order to ensure the “Best” is properly represented and determined.  After all, how are you going to properly represent a film community if the community behind it is not given the chance to have its opinion heard?

There is always going to be bias.  But a large pool of voters helps to grasp a firm consensus.  The Academy does try to do this.  But improvements must be made to help extinguish ney sayers.  If the the best are truly represented race should have no place in determining nominees.  The problem is the spectrum of filmmakers and films considered by the Academy is limited, therefore, limiting the pool of talent and films to vote on in the first place.

All should be represented, given the opportunity.  If this was executed correctly people really couldn’t complain.  Will it ever be?  Who knows.  Even if it is there will always be critics.  And corruption from within the Academy itself is always a possibility as well.  Gotta love the human condition.  But with that, we cannot ignore any inequalities still thriving.  Let’s just hope we can one day move past such factors and make it really all about the best.

First and foremost, lets just keep making great movies out there everyone!  That’s really what it’s all about anyway, right?  Wow!  And isn’t it so great how many awesome films are getting made out there?!



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